Sunday, January 26, 2014

Model Posing

I wanted to give some advice to both photographers and models on posing. So to best do this I brought in Daniel Le Hoty (photographer/posing instructor), out of the Cleveland, OH area. I also brought in a brand new model, Amy Marie. Amy has only shot a couple of times and both with my wife and I. Fare warning, this video is a long one, and since it was my first time filming with the camera (GoPro Hero), I was a little off on distance. I can only hope that this video helps some of you out there.
I would be more than happy to hear from you all about a subject that you would like to see covered. After all this blog is about helping you be a better photographer and model in some cases. So please do not be shy.
For this session we used a four light set up. The main light is provided by two custom built 2' x 4' light boxes with grids, a 1 1/2' soft box, and a 2' soft box. The main lights were placed nearly side by side, with only a foot between them, at about a 45 degree angle to the subject. The only constant on camera settings was a 400 ISO, with shutter speeds ranging from 1/100 - 1/60, and f/s from 2.8 up to 7.5 if I remember right.
I hope you enjoy this video, and remember... Keep shooting!

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