Saturday, March 22, 2014

How to Create Photo Text in Photoshop

I for one have always loved the look of images inside of text. To me it is a very cool effect, and one that I wanted to learn how to do. Well I did of course, and I found that there were many different ways to do it using Photoshop. Most of them using layers to do the job, and a bit time consuming. With all of the other editing that I have to do on a daily basis, I didn't do it often. But then as always, when I do have some free time, I seek knowledge. Now, what did I find? A much easier and quicker way to put images into text. And that my friends is what this video is going to show you how to do in four steps. This is the shortest tutorial I have produced yet, and might just hold the record for a long time. So if you have ever wanted to put photos into text have a look, you will be glad you did.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Raw Talent Clothing Co Child Model Shoot

My wife and I have been shooting for Raw Talent Clothing Co for some time now, and you will be seeing more shoots with their clothing this year. But I was looking for a particular look on this shoot. I wanted the background to blow out to the point of looking as if it were glowing, yet keep the girls full of rich and vibrant color. Below is the video of the shoot and some of the images captured will be popping up throughout it. Please remember that the images are unedited, other than being reformatted to Jpeg to work easier with the video editing process. Please if you have any questions about this shoot, feel free to ask.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

How to Create Pop Art Image Part 3

This is the third and final part of how to create a pop art style image. Make sure to watch the first two before this one, if you have not already. I hope you enjoyed this series, and if you did please let me know. Until next time, Keep shooting!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

How to Create a Pop Art Image Part 2

There will be one more video in this series coming soon.

How to Create a Pop Art Style Image

I am not going to bore you all with writing out all the details and steps on this one, there are just too many. So I hope you like this video series. This is part one of three, so keep checking back for the next two... Keep Shooting!