Thursday, February 27, 2014

Photo Editing

Today I am going to do something a little different. I am not going to be showing how to shoot an image, but how to fix one. I have chosen an image that was already good to start with. It has already been used in a magazine ad, but I think it could be even better. I shot this image of Tiffany Rhodes down at Indian Lake, Ohio last summer for Raw Talent Clothing Co. RTC loved it, and so did I at the time. Now however the murky color of the water bothers me, as well as the paleness of the sky. Tiffany looks great, and the Raw Talent shirt stands out wonderfully, but... I think she could look even better. So now how to fix the problems that I see? How can you make that murky water appear more pleasing? How do I brighten up the sky? And what to do to make Tiffany stand out and look even better than she already does? Well... you can watch the video to see exactly what I did. In this video I had no set plan, just the questions I have mentioned. So you will get to see it as it cam to me, step by step, including a mistake that I seem to make often. I just get so involved in what I am doing that I will miss an important step every now and than. I am only human. I hope you like this video and please feel free to comment. If there is something that you would like to see covered please let me know, and I will do my best to help you out. Until next time... Keep Shooting.

To get your own shirt like the one Tiffany is wearing, or one of their other high quality American made products visit

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