Friday, February 28, 2014

What is next? Pop Art edit.

Hi everyone, I have been trying out something that is new to me, but not new at all. I have always been a fan of pop art. You know the stuff that Andy Warhol is so famous for. I have saw this done many times with images, I just was never sure how to do it. Well last night I decided I was going to learn. I have taken some techniques from various Photoshop pros, and combined them some of my own that I figured out, and this image is the result....
I will be putting together a two part tutorial on how I did it, but will be using another image. So if you are interested in how to do one of these pop art images yourself, make sure to follow this blog and keep checking back. I will be putting the first part together very soon.

Until next time... Keep shooting!

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